Are You Wearing Self-Limiting Glasses?

limiting beliefs Dec 03, 2018

I used to date a guy who was a writer. He could write thousands and thousands of words in a day. At the time, it looked to me like all those words were effortlessly flowing out of him, and his fingers dancing quickstep on the keyboard, were capturing it all, filling up pages and pages… Wow! Well… one thing I seemed to be 100% sure was that I could never do that!

My writing, was rather slow… more like a tap dripping… drip… drip… drip… It was obvious, comparing me and him – I was not good at writing. That was it.

This is how I made my decision. Quick judgment. Full stop. I never looked back, never questioned it.

A couple of months ago, I was preparing to give a talk. I sat down at my desk and started to gather my thoughts… All I wanted to do was to jot down a few points to capture on paper the narrative that was developing in my mind… and it took me a while to realize that there I was – writing! And to my own amazement – I loved it! Hours passed like minutes. I couldn’t believe it I had fun writing! I didn’t know, I simply needed to put my thoughts on paper.

I realized that I lived all my life with ‘self-limiting glasses’ on. In fact, I was wearing many, many pairs! It seems I often made snap judgments about my own capabilities. I noticed, I automatically compared myself to others. If others did it like this, then it must be the only way! I noticed, I had my own ideals how certain things should look like and if I didn’t live up to this glorious vision – I was out! I tell you this – be aware – those judgments can stick around for a long time… completely unquestioned!

I am not good at this. I am not good at that. – Really? How did you decide? Is that true?

My invitation is for you to take your self-limiting glasses off. Write all your ‘I am not good at this and that’ down and look them straight in the eye. Pick one that has a naughty smile and have a go. Have fun. Learn. Mess up.

Imagine this…you may be missing lots of fun! You may find out that you are in fact good at it!

We are capable of so much more than we think. We are so much more than we think. Once we know that we are not what we think… a whole new freedom opens. Go and play!


Dorothy x

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