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Ask Dorothy
What can I do to reduce stress? How can I stop overthinking? How can I avoid burnout? Do you have questions like these – then just ask!
Email me your question and I’ll respond with a short video answer in 48 hours.
Here I talk with wonderful Ipek Williamson and share how I turned self-limiting beliefs like "I am unworthy" into empowering declarations like "I am Pure Gold," and how embracing these statements enriched my life and catalysed positive changes in my work.
Here is my honest and revealing conversation with Dr Amy Johnson about the time in my life where I experienced stress and burnout. I talk about the book that helped me to recover and experience profound shift in my life.
I'm delighted to share that I’ve been invited by the wonderful friend and colleague and incredible coach Lisa Berkovitz to take part in her inspiring global event, On God’s Payroll on November 15th 2024. We had a heartfelt conversation, we talked about the art of connection, the power of conversation, and the beauty of creation.
Together, we reflected on transformative moments and the life journeys that have shaped us. I can't wait for you to tune in and be part of this rich exchange!
Have a look at my Q&A videos to get more insight into stress, wellbeing and resilience right away.
Prefer to read? Check out my latest blogs
ASK DOROTHY - your questions answered - see all videos
THOUGHTS FROM MY MORNING WALKS - insights and inspiration - see all videos
Success & Well-being
“We all have tremendous capacity for success and profound wellbeing. My job is to help people realise that.”
Dorothy Martin
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