BURNOUT - the crisis of being

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant hustle of life? Are you struggling to find balance between the demands of work and personal responsibilities?

Join us for an eye-opening webinar as we delve deep into the heart of burnout and explore the transformative power of reclaiming your sense of being.

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Take A New Path

Join me to delve into the persistent rise of burnout despite increased awareness and targeted workplace well-being strategies.

Drawing from my personal experience and a decade of work in the field, I challenge the conventional understanding of burnout as solely a workplace phenomenon.

Instead, I propose a broader perspective, framing burnout as an existential syndrome that transcends the boundaries of personal and professional life.

In essence, this webinar offers a hopeful perspective, suggesting that by reconnecting with our innate sense of being, capacity for self-awareness and transformation, individuals can prevent and overcome burnout and cultivate a healthier, more successful and fulfilling life.

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Date Time
TBC Soon TBC Soon
Duration Cost
60 minutes FREE

This Is For You... 

Are you a professional feeling the weight of burnout in your daily life? 

Are you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and tired and find it hard to recover your energy?

Are you are working hard but not achieving the results you want at work or at home?

Are you a HR professional and organisational leader seeking innovative strategies to support employee well-being?

Are you interested in personal growth, self-awareness, and reclaiming your sense of purpose, productivity and success?

Let's talk. It is never too late! 

Join Me To Discover

1. Reframe Your Understanding: Burnout is more than just a workplace issue—it's an existential crisis that permeates every aspect of our lives. Gain a fresh perspective as we challenge conventional views and broaden our understanding of burnout and its profound impact on our lives.

2. Uncover Internal Stress: Discover the root causes of stress and burnout within yourself. Learn how to recognise your internal responses to create stress, empowering yourself to navigate life's challenges with resilience, clarity and success.

3. Rediscover Being: In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are in the flurry tasks, goals and obligations. Explore the consequences of this imbalance and join us to reconnect with your BEING – to inform your purpose and inspire vitality.

4. Unlock Spiritual Awareness: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as we explore the transformative potential of the work of being in combating burnout.

What to Expect

A space to talk openly and honestly about stress, burnout and how it can be a turning point leading to a new way of being, new results and a new life.

You'll walk away feeling empowered with a new perspective on burnout and how to prevent it and overcome it in a more effective and powerful way.

You'll discover key insights to cultivate a more vibrant, successful and fulfilling way of being, in both personal and professional life. 

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Your host

Dorothy Martin

Dorothy Martin is a psychologist, professional coach and speaker dedicated to guiding others on their journey from stress, exhaustion and burnout to self-discovery, deepest fulfilment and outstanding success. 

She is a founder of The Powerful Women’s Retreat - the best personal development program for women who want to step into their authentic power, crafting lives of purpose, leadership, fulfilment and impact.

With over 15 years of experience in psychology, public health, and organisational wellbeing, she had the privilege of touching countless lives, earning recognition from the Mayor of London for her contributions to workplace wellness.

Her mission? To enable individuals to navigate life's challenges with grace, resilience, success and unyielding joy.


Grab Your Spot Now

"Burnout serves as a beacon, signalling the necessity for the old ways of being to dissipate, clearing the path for our authentic selves to emerge in order to create ourselves anew."

Dorothy Martin 


Success & Well-being

“We all have tremendous capacity for success and profound wellbeing. My job is to help people realise that.”

Dorothy Martin

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